Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mexico Video Completed and Doing Well

Almost two weeks ago I completed the first video from the Rocky Point, Mexico trip. Immediately after doing so, I received a large amount of positive comments about it. It was also estimated by a couple people that this will become my most highest viewed video. At 1,400+ views so far, it is definitely climbing higher than any other video I have done. However, my most viewed video is at 53,800 and still gets viewed regularly. And all it is is a cruise video from one of my trips. It will take a long time for it to ever catch up, which is doubtful that it will.

It's very hard to predict views on these things, but I do believe my cruise video does well because of the search terms I included in the description , tags, and title. This new Mexico video seems to be doing well as Don Giannatti has it linked on a few of his sites, and I'm sure the thumbnail plays a part too, as it features all five models together.

Also, I followed youtube's suggested resolution for their new "high quality" feature. And I was ecstatic to see that this one actually has a high quality version! You can't see a huge difference, but it does look better. Most noticeably, you can make out the facial features much better.

It's funny too, that this video was just going to be a quick "teaser trailer" feature snippets from the shoots. Makes me concerned that the feature videos won't be considered as good. Needless to day, since the release of that, I started playing GTA IV and couldn't really stop. I also picked up a Wii and a Wii Fit. I will speak more on that in the next TGI episode (one is coming, I assure you). I solved the story mode of GTA over the memorial day weekend , so now hopefully I can concentrate on another video.

1 comment:

Peter Lee said...

great vid and gals. Name of song?